Our Resources



"What is yours is never truly yours because nothing in the world truly belongs to you"

The wisdom is to know we are a fountain of resources for each other. As containers of life we accept this power and humility.

In this page post all your resources~yours and other websites, videos, comments, books you've read, pictures, and what comes to you might not be on this list.

Ideas: Anything you have stumbled upon in your life that has brought connection, beauty, healing, inspiration, realization, opening, health and nutrition, spiritual enlightenment, house related, gardening, mental serenity, recipes, and soulful experiences.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to share these books titles. They are my favorite and been such amazing tools and comfort for me:
    1.- A Woman's Worth by Marianne Williamson
    2.- Spiritual Unfoldment By White Eagle
    3.- A Course in Miracles
    4.- If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path by Charlotte Kas
