Friday, October 4, 2013

Shamanic Ritual for our Menstrual Cycle

As I come back to experiencing my fifth menstrual cycle after taking a year break since the birth of my fourth child (in case you are not aware a women's menstrual cycle can stop for more or less than a year after she gives birth), the practice of giving my blood back to the earth has returned. Women in ancient times would wisely use their divine blood to offer their power and life force back to mother earth. It was a way a woman would honor their sacred connection with the earth. Women also used their blood in many native american traditions as a potent fertilizer  and vibrational enhancer for crops. Our blood is considered SACRED, as Vicki Noble explains in her book Shakti Woman, according to western magical science, professor  Lawrence Durdin-Robertson, an irish scholar of Goddess lore, reminds us that the first blood at the altar was menstrual blood, the free flow of the priestess giving back to the Earth Mother.

In todays modern world, we can clear all the taboos of our menstrual cycle and bring back the ancient wisdom of what a moon cycle or magic water cycle truly means to us today. Our sacred magical water is connected to the moon bringing the ocean tides to pull us to the depths of our soul. It is known that a woman in her menstrual cycle filters the energy of her entire community. Can you imagine the power of a whole community of women menstruating together? Today, it is essential to stop, listen, go within, channel, and open the psychic connection to prepare for what's to follow, the fertile cycle to birth and bring life once again.

Place whatever you use to collect your menstrual blood (pads, tampons, e-cups) in a jar with water to be diluted. Let it sit for sometime under the sun or in an altar. Then, walk around your garden or house offering it back to the earth to fertilize and feed your plants. Close your eyes and feel the connection as your blood unites with the great womb of our Mother Earth.
                                  Enjoy this powerful connection and reawakening.
                                           Let us know how your experience was.